
Google AdSense solutions and problems 2020

Google AdSense solutions and problems 2020

Google AdSense solutions and problems 2020

Google AdSense 2020

  • One of the most common problems for beginners in the field of Adsense is the refusal of the application to participate in the service from the ground up, which may prompt some to surrender and despair and leave the whole subject and then leave a significant source of income I will explain everything in this article and should focus on each word :
  • First of all, I would like to clarify an important and fundamental principle before going into any conversation.
  • "Adsense is not an automatic deaf machine for profit taking"
  • In other words, Adsense is a service that is monitored by a group of individuals who evaluate the subscribers in their service.
  • This shows the dynamics of the work and how to audit and that it is subject to human factor assessment and is not done automatically, that is, you may make the best blog, for example, "from your point of view" and then write to Google AdSense expected to be answered immediately, because your blog is perfect - as you think - However, you are surprised by the delay in response in some cases, and sometimes other times your application is rejected for several reasons often told by Adsense in the e-mail you send you.

Reasons why AdSense rejected the application

First: Reasons for Personal Data:
1 - Incorrect Address:
  • Some may neglect to verify the correctness of their address data. To write an ideal title, please follow the instructions below:
  • -The street name should contain the word Street or St, and the first letter should be Capital.
  • -Fill in all fields and do not leave one blank, and make a good description of your address (in front of the school - next to the institution)
  • -Start the name of your city capital letter, and make sure that the spelling is the official spelling and approved in the dealings, and the same guidelines apply to the name of the province.
  • Hint: You can use Wikimapia to find out the official name of your province and city.
  • Note:
  • All of the guidelines above are general guidelines for typing any address in general, preferably in the AdSense app as well.

Google Adsense

2 - Postal code:
  • If you are not 100% sure of the correct postal code of your area, head to the nearest post office nearby and inquire about it before you type it. If you are an Egyptian, you can use epcodes.com, where you will find all postal codes for all post offices nationwide.
  • Second: Reasons related in the blog:

1-How many content:
  • Adsense does not accept blogs with little content, it is inconceivable to write a post one or two and then correspondence AdSense to subscribe, of course the result is settled in favor of rejection.
  • Therefore, it is preferable not to write to AdSense before you post for several posts "15-20" for example, or you may consider your blog under construction and reject your application.

2-Blog design:
  • Since we have mentioned a human assessment by the AdSense team of blogs wishing to subscribe, do not expect to be accepted and filled your blog with inconsistent colors and tons of services and Gadgets that make your blog slow loading, and bad looking.
  • Choose a simple, formatted, light-loading template, and choose the colors of the text used to match the visual and color identity of your blog.

3. Content source:
  • Copying texts or images of your blog from other sites greatly reduces your chances of joining AdSense; AdSense and Blogger have stood firmly against the copied content and will not allow their blogs to participate in that "crime".
  • Make your posts one of the daughters of your thoughts .. Take out the idea of ​​copying the content of your mind completely, and if it must .. Rephrase the article you want to transfer from another site in your style with the preference to include the link to the original topic at the end of your article, and do not compromise in the matter .. Google may close your entire blog if it is reported by the author of the original topic that you copied without his permission.

4. Nature of content:
  • Blogs about (flash games - Forex - free communication - download pirated software - Chat) has become a bad reputation with Adsense .. Stay away from such topics.
  • Choose a field you like and specialize in blogging about it.
  • Of course, there are several reasons, but the most important mentioned .. And that avoided .. I guarantee you - God willing - to approve your application by more than 85%. But what if you are among the 15% likely to reject their applications despite their commitment to all the guidelines and policies required by AdSense?

Reject your application to Adsense .. What do I do?

  • The online profit world has taught me that it is possible at any moment to have to adjust my course 180 degrees, and even abandon the huge efforts you have made - as long as they are in the wrong direction - this means that you must accept the idea of ​​"alternative plans" to reach your primary goal.
  • If we apply this principle to the problem at hand, we have three main solutions:

Solution 1 Make the necessary adjustments, and correspondence again:

  • When you receive the rejection message from AdSense, check the reason given in the message, then make the necessary modifications to the blog to avoid the problem mentioned, and then re - request again.
  • This solution is well suited to your blog if it is sufficiently famous or the number of visitors, or if not, do not hesitate to resort to the second solution directly.

The second solution Start again .. exactly:

  • Forget the email you created, as well as the blog I created on the blogger, as if they did not exist at all.
  • Start your blogging life again .. Create a completely new email on Gmail, and through it create a completely new blog committed to all the points mentioned and write them again taking into account the following very important note:
  • If you have send them for the first time in the name of  Mohammed, for example, make some minor modifications to the name to become, for example, Mohammed Ahmed.
  • Note that the pronunciation of the name is still the same - it is also preferable to make a minor modification to your address if possible.
  • For those who have been delayed for more than 20 days, AdSense can resort to the second or third solution instead of waiting for infinity. Once the account is approved, place ads on your blog that Google seems to have placed among the thousands of blogs it receives. Daily to subscribe to Adsense.

Thanks for reading the article to end
