
5 passos para saber se fui bloqueado no WhatsApp em 2020 - bloqueio whatsapp 2020

bloqueio whatsapp 2020 5 passos para saber se fui bloqueado no WhatsApp em 2020

How do I know whether or not I am blocked on WhatsApp? To protect the privacy of its users, Messenger does not know if someone has blocked another person. For help, AppGeek has collected 5 cases that may indicate a potential block.

Watch out for signs, but be aware that suggestions below may indicate other situations besides the ban. check it out!

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bloqueio whatsapp 2020
bloqueio whatsapp 2020

1. Profile picture disappeared

The first sign that someone no longer wants to receive messages from you is that the contact's profile picture is disappearing, leaving only the default app for profiles. Even if the contact refreshes the image, it will no longer appear to you.

Profile picture on WhatsApp has disappeared

Additionally, the connection status message will not be available.

2. Access information is not available

When you open the conversation with the contact that you think blocked you, the visa information will continue and whether or not the person is online.

Access status on WhatsApp

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Before you decide to please the person, remember that the user can disable this functionality, and this may be the case and not necessarily a ban.

3. The message has not been delivered
If you try to send a message to someone who may have blocked you, only a sign will appear indicating that the message was sent. The second tag that informs you if the message is delivered will not appear.

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The message was not delivered to WhatsApp

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It is important to be careful: wait a few hours to make sure the second mark is not displayed, as there are several reasons why a message may not be delivered. Some of them are server instability or even lack of internet on the recipient's cell phone. So, be a little patient!

4. The calls were not completed

Any calls you make will not be made. However, the app will show that it is calling the person, even providing "contact" sound. But if the contact blocked it on the platform, the call to it will not be shown, and it will not complete until WhatsApp.

Call on WhatsApp

Make calls to other contacts to see if it's a server problem. If you can talk to other people and the person who thinks you have been banned does not respond, chances are that you will not want to speak to you.

5. A contact cannot be added in groups

There is a very interesting point in WhatsApp: If a contact has blocked you, you can still exchange messages naturally in the groups you participate in.

However, if you create a new group and try to add the person you think blocked you, you will not be able to add it. Which may be another sign that the contact doesn't want to chat with you anymore.

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Add WhatsApp Group Contact

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If all these signals are detected, it is highly likely that the connection blocked you. It indicates that the application does not clarify whether the ban has already been implemented, in order to protect the privacy of users.